Go Red for Women

Men Go Red

Chaired by Dean Burden
Men Go Red

Men Go Red is a group of men who are dedicated to the fight against heart disease of women. The Men Go Red men help support the mission of Go Red For Women® by making a personal financial commitment to the movement. Learn more at the event or Join Today!

Join Us

Make it your mission to become a part of the Men Go Red. Your support, influence and gift will make a tremendous impact in the lives of so many women. Please contact Jessaca Rodriguez at jessaca.fowler@heart.org for more information on how you can join the Men Go Red.


2016 Men Go Red Members

Ralph Alexander

Gordy Bunch

Dean Burden

Peter Cella

Lee J. Christopher

      Alan Flanagan

Bill Gervasi

      Kenny Hawsey

Quentin Hicks

Jason Higham

Kevin Hostler

Gerry Hunsicker

      Patrick Hynes

      Troy Johnson

      Bruce Kink

      Ray Larson

      Jeff Maggert

      Dr. Mark Mettauer

      Jud Miller

      Bob Milner

      Bart O’Brien

      Dr. Joseph M. Perlman

      Mark Pharo

      Zach Richmond

      Robert Rojas

Bryan Selby

Lonny Soza

      Jeff Starcher

      Bill Van Pelt

Babu Varughese

Richard Wilken